
If i adopt a female puppy from the shelter do i have to get her spayed?

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If i adopt a female puppy from the shelter do i have to get her spayed?




  1. Thought it was policy that all shelters to spay ,before animals go to there new homes,however it is nicer for the pet,also so much easier for you.Enjoy your new friend.

  2. Most shelters require that you put a deposit which will be returned once you have provided proof of her being altered. Why wouldn't you want to have her spayed?

  3. According to most shelter's bylaws, you are required to have the dog spayed/neutered. If the puppy is old enough, it is done prior to the adoption. If not, they generally require that you get the dog spayed when they reach age. If you do not, the contract usually stipulates that you will have to surrender the dog.

  4. Hi there,  Usually the shelter will have her spayed before you take her home.  Most of the shelters do this,Thank God.  Good luck

  5. YES YES YES!!! Why wouldn't you?  Most shelters if they are any good will minimally make you sign  a contract saying that you will spay the puppy.  At many better shelters, the puppy would be spayed before you ever took it home.  Shelter dogs should not be bred no matter what.  There is a reason or many why they are in the shelter.  Why do you want to perpetuate shelter dogs?  If you want an intact female, talk to a good breeder who will mentor you in the proper care and breeding of dogs.

  6. Read your adoption paperwork.  Most shelters will spay or neuter dogs before they are adopted out so you may not have to worry about it (since it is probably already done).  A few small shelters don't, but even if the shelter for whatever reason (not enough funding, dog isn't old enough, etc) does not spay the dog prior to adoption they will make you sign a legally binding contract requiring you to spay the dog by a certain date or else they will take the dog back for breach of contract.

  7. Not necessarily.

  8. I think rescue societies would prefer it - it stops dogs and cats being in the shelter in the first place.  Some of them will actually give you a voucher to give to the vet which will help towards the cost of the speying (depending on the size of the dog, it can be expensive!)

    IMO - I would get the puppy speyed - after the first season is the normal practice

  9. You dont have to but it is advised. My sister didn't get our dog spayed and it constantly humps our legs (wtf its a girl) and is waaaaaaaaaaaaay too hyper, I mean its like she takes a pill of speed at midnight.

  10. shelters usually spay them before u take them home but if they don't i highly recommend that u get her spayed asap!!

  11. yes of course you should. Well done for going to a rescue but rescues would not exist if there weren't so many unwanted animals so lets stop breeding them. Get her spayed and you'll spare her health issues in later life too.  

  12. Yes they fix dogs before they are adopted.  

  13. shelters tend to spay all dogs and cats that they have because there are already too many

  14. They will spay her before she goes home if she is old enough.

    f not, they will give you  credit to have her spayed,

    The reason she is in the shelter is because people don;t spay their dogs resulting in unwanted puppies.

  15. It is not at MUST for your to do so.

    But spaying will help your dog in terms of many issues:

    First of all, a spayed dog and spayed dog has longer live spam as they are healthier and happier. Spayed female dog will not be susceptible to ovarian cancer and reduce the probability of getting breast cancer. Besides, spayed dog urine odor is not as strong as non-spayed dog.

  16. In our state it's mandatory, it's all part of the cost of adoption. You pay to get them fixed and all their shots. Here it runs about $50-$75.

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