
If i am 2 weeks pregnant can i harm my baby?

by  |  earlier

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not on purpose.... i really want this and im so happy. its just that at work last nite they needed extra help so i had to push carts n i pushed like 40 carts at once.... and like 2 weeks ago is when my husband spermed in me and i just got off my period.... so i was wondering if i was still pregnant?




  1. the first trimester is the most dangerous. you shouldnt be lifting or pushing anything heavy during anytime of your pregnancy.

    also no smoking, drinking or drugs. if you really want it badly tell your work your expecting they shouldnt be expecting you to lift or push anything in your condition!

  2. You need to re-post your question with more information, regarding your concern.

  3. Yes the first tri. is the most important time of the babies life most people don't even know the are preg at two weeks. the baby grows so much every week .

  4. Yes, smoking, drinking, doing drugs, holding your breath lol that will hurt you as well though.  As for physically harming it, probably not as it is so tiny and protected inside you right now.  Congrats on the baby, and I hope you didn't ask this cause you want to harm it.

  5. Probably not, except if you fall or get punched or something. The egg right now is a bunch of cells and each one of them can turn out to be one baby. I think it s only after like the 3rd week that each cell starts to become one different organ. Try not to have hard s*x until the third month, though.

  6. you mean can you do anything that will cause harm accidentally or purposely? I sure hope not purposely...

  7. Yes, definitely. It's inside you, so any drugs, alcohol, or poor diet choices such as lots of candy, soda, energy drinks, and junk food will affect your baby's growth and development. Talk to your doctor, not Y! Answers, about what choices you should make regarding the health of you and your baby. Good luck!

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