
If i am 4 weeks pregnant what should my baby look like in an ultrasound?

by  |  earlier

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  1. maybe a dot???

    wait 2~3 months for a better developed ultrasound picture....

  2. at 4 weeks the baby is too small for them to see. you see nothing until 6 weeks and that looks like a peanut.

  3. a dot.

    Most people can't see anything at all.

  4. I don't have my ultrasound pic on my computer but it's from 7 weeks and 2 days and you can't make out a thing. It's a sac with a little clump on the side.  I couldn't tell where the head was or anything like that.  And that was 7 weeks!  You won't be able to see c**p at 4 weeks...not even the heartbeat.  I'm assuming you're just wondering and you aren't actually having an ultrasound?  Good luck!  


    ... if you are a mama squirrel! ;-)

    Just goofing with you... good luck and god bless.

  6. A bean. =]

  7. 9 times out of 10 an ultrasound would pick up nothing or just a sac.  

  8. at 4 weeks i could see a wee sac and a yolk sac, no fetal pole and no heart beat. lol baby was so small it was invisible. google a pic, there are loads to compare

  9. haha, i dont have pics on my comp, but i can tell you what my kids looked like.  my first looked like a bean, my second like a sea monkey.

    heres a good website to track your baby's development.

    good luck

  10. It looks like a spec. Most times you can't see the heartbeat.

    This is an ultrasound of my son when I was 6 wks pregnant. I could see the heart beat but you can't tell in the pic.

  11. This is what the baby looks like inside of you:

    but in an ultrasound this is what it will look like:

  12. well at 7 weeks mine looked like a JELLY BEAN! so at 4 weeks its probly so small you can only seen a dot.

  13. On a ultra sound you would just see the sac at that point


    there you go :)



  16. google it. But it wont even look like a blob yet.

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