
If i am 61 ponds cold i pull in a 50 pond fish?

by Guest58454  |  earlier

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im prete stong to




  1. wdf are you saying?

    i don't understand

  2. Like Rick said, you could wear it out by letting it run, so I'm pretty sure you could bring it up to the side of the boat.  The question is, would you be able to pull it into the boat or dock?

    So, the question is, can you pull up fifty pounds maybe two feet up, with only one arm?

    I weigh 180, so I'm basically three times your mass, and I don't think I could pull in a fish comparably three times the size at 150.  That doesn't mean you don't try though.

    If youre ever near a weight bench, check to see if you can lift one of the 45 pound plates. Watch your ties. There's your answer.

  3. well if your as big as 61 ponds there should be fish swimming inside you.  i did know someone could be as big as 61 ponds.  are they small ponds


  4. you should be able to if you keep working the drag and wear your fish out.

  5. ya i dont that would be easy but if you dont try to fight the fish tight to the ...what ever u are fishing from and insted let it run play its self out and pull it in slowly also if you are in a fight chair u should be good to go but just to be safe i would recomend that you take a few bigher frends along just incace you find you cant take it or you need a brake

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