
If i am a new zealand citizen do i need a visa to get in to Australia?

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I am from america but my mom is from new zealand and i am going on a trip to australia, so i was just planning on using my new zealand passport to get into australia. my mom said i didnt need a visa. is this true?




  1. yep your mum is totally correct,im from nz,but live here in aussie and travel regulary to an from each country, no visa required,it's great

  2. Under the Trans-Tasman Agreement, New Zealand citizens have right of entry to Australia, subject to meeting health and character criteria. They are granted an electronic visa at airport immigration clearance on arrival.

  3. No, you don't need a pre-arranged Visa with an NZ passport

  4. Australians and New Zealanders can travel back and forth between counties without the need of a visa.

    Your mum's nationality has come in quite handy.

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