
If i am a skinny guy, should i date a girl that weigh 40 lbs more??

by  |  earlier

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she is not that fat, probably 180 lbs 5.8''




  1. weight shouldnt matter its the personality that counts.

  2. Its all about you both are happy to go each other not by skinny or fat or physically handicapped.Just enjoy the date.

  3. what the helll kind of a shallow question is this !?!?

  4. What does that matter if you like her?

  5. It's fine.

  6. it does not matter what she weighs or looks like it just matters what is on the inside her character and soul. you should date her.

  7. If you like her.  Don't be a sheep and worry about what other people think.  Go for it!!

  8. eww that's gross. fat girls shouldn't date guys that are skinnier than them... tell her to lose some weight. fat people disgust me, they're so piggish.

  9. If oyu two like each then go for it. Don't let little things like that affect the way you live your life. Live for yourself.  That aint a bad weight difference

  10. whatever floats ur boat

  11. more coshing for the pushing

  12. Are u dating her so u could eat her later on? C'mon dude as long as u like this girl then it obviously won't be a factor!

  13. You can date whoever your attracted to.

  14. more cushion for the push ion,just kidding not worry what your friends say if you like the girl it should not matter what she weighs.just  as long as your attracted to her and she has a good heart. good luck

  15. It's not her size that matters, it's how much you like her, how well you get along, are your personalities and lifestyles compatible, etc.

    If those are in sync, looks and size aren't that important. Plenty of guys date (and marry) larger women.

  16. go 4 it! carpe diem:)

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