
If i am a taurus should i stay in tonight or go out tonight?

by Guest57855  |  earlier

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Are there any astrologers out there? I just want to to know if its a good idea to stay in or go out and do somthing today or tonight this evening....whatever. Thanx!




  1. Do whatev

  2. go out tonight

  3. Its a good night to howl. No guarantees, of course.


  5. I'm a Taurus, and you probably want to stay in, be with friends, maybe a book/tv and a good dinner, but why not go out?

    You probably have a small set of GOOD friends, who want to see you out more!  

  6. You should do whatever you want and not be too worried about the horoscope. They're more like guidelines anyways.

    Check out that Pirates quote I incorporated. Hardcore.

  7. why do people listen to horiscopes. i could make a site with those! theyre not real. your luck is your like. not what the internet tells you. thnks.

  8. You should stay in. More women for me!

  9. Do what you wish! :)

  10. There is no such thing as astrology. It's just phony science

    From: Taurus

  11. Well you'll do whatever u want to anyway,so stubborn u taureans!

  12. lol stop being a loser and don't let some stupid astrology run your life. You are the boss of you not some stupid astrologer LOL God, I'm a gemini does that mean I shouldn't date someone who doesn't talk a lot? By all means NO.

  13. Do both. Stand half way outside and half way inside.

  14. do whatever u want and don't rely on astrology

  15. YOU SHOULD GO OUT TONIGHT... WITH ME... LOL ASTROLOGY HUMOR EXCUSE ME no you should stay in and relax the tilt of saturn's moon tells me that out door activities may be dangerous even life threatening at this time

    so pull up a book or watch some tv and wait it out tomorrow will be better

  16. horoscopes are a bunch of bull chit

  17. Not an astrologer,but I would suggest always going out somewhere ..You just might have FUN and it has to be better than staying home and being bored,Unless you are tired,,Than stay home and sleep!

    I am also a Taurus and I am going out somewhere!

  18. You should stay home and do some studying because astrology doesn't really work :P

  19. Go out and have a nice evening. YA will still be here !  

  20. Go out!

  21. Go OUT!!!!

    Tauri deserve to have some fun too

    From: Leo

    now hop in the shower get dressed and shmooze al little

  22. You should do whatever you wanna do, regardless of horoscopes.  

  23. in my opinion do whatever you want to do, but if you believe in astrology i suggest: it has every kind of astrology on it.

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