
If i am going to represent myself in a child custody case what is the first thing i need to do?

by Guest10982  |  earlier

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I have 3 kids with my ex and we were never married but paternity has already been astablished, does that matter?




  1. Get a lawyer.  He/she who represents him/herself has a fool for a client.

  2. first thing you need to do is get a lawyer...

  3. It is very difficult to represent yourself when it comes to custody matters. There are a lot of complicated forms and court documents that need to be filed. There are not templates out there to do it yourself. I realize that it is an expensive undertaking, but it is rarely successful to do it on your own. If she has a lawyer, you will be eaten alive. If you are unable to pay for a lawyer, you may be able to find assistance or one who can offer you a payment plan. Good luck.

  4. Get a lawyer. Trust me, it'll be easier if you have one.

  5. Don't do it!! Even with a lawyer to respresent me, my ex's lawyer wanted to have me for lunch. He was ruthless and mean, as lawyers are when they are determined tro win a case. Luckily, my attorney knew when to object to the judge and make this creep back down. If you represent yourself, there is no one there to say "Objection!!" when the other lawyer starts making you out as an unfit mother when you're on the stand. If you want to keep your children, you MUST get an attorney.

  6. Are you sure you want to represent yourself in a matter that is so serious???  I would be looking for the best lawyer around in that situation.  It's not worth the risk and calls for a professional (and one of the best, at that).

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