
If i am going to the Army Basic Training, what should i bring with me?

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How many uniforms should i buy?




  1. Don't waste your money buying uniforms. You're going to be issued 4 of them when you get there. Those things are like $100 a set anyway.   As for what to bring, just bring like basic stuff like socks, underwear, soap, toothbrush/toothpaste, pen and paper, and like 20 bucks.  Everything else they're going to give you.  And you MAY bring your cell phone or laptop...however they're going to take it away and keep it until you graduate, so don't plan on using it.

  2. Go to the website of the base you will be shipping to.  It will have a list of what not and what to bring.  Hope this helps.  

  3. Your recruiter can give you a list of a few basic sundries you might need. All else will be provided by the Army. Good luck!  

  4. Make sure you bring your butt with you. They never seem to have enough of those to chew on.

  5. your civilian A$$ to be turned into a confident, mature, self-assured soldier!

  6. Bring a toothbrush.  Oh and the correct color underwear...

    Seriously all your stuff is going to be put into a storage closet until you're done with BTC.  So just bring the MINIMUM of whatever you're told.  

    Then again...from what I've heard about BTC these days is that you can smoke and have cell heaven only knows what else has changed.  But I doubt that what you take with you has changed!!  

    GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Just take your courage and commitment.  The rest will sort itself out.

    Thank you in advance for your service!

  8. Dont buy anything.  You will be issued all that stuff.  

  9. Bring the clothes on your back.

    Toiletries, hygiene items, shaving kit/foam, toothbrush, toothpaste, a good comfortable pair of running sneakers/calf length socks, a book.

    You will get a chance to buy whatever you are missing.

    Try to fit everything in a book bag.

    You don't buy uniforms, they will be issued to you.

    At Basic training, the army will give you everything you will need.

    If you bring ipods, or games, they will be taken away and locked up, but you will get them back.


    Thanks for raising your hand.

  10. Your Recruiter will give you a list of what to bring everything else is ISSUED to you free of charge.


  11. You don't need to bring uniforms private!!!!! Just bring the clothes on your back a change of white underwear, toothbrush 3oz toothpaste, and your Meps packet. Everything else will be provided and if you need soap borrow some from a fellow soldier that brought some.  

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