
If i am included in my husbands medical benefit plan at his work, do i need to enroll separately myself or?

by  |  earlier

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the two of us in the medical benefit plan that my work offers? are all the benefits going to be added up or what? thank you.




  1. You need to look at the benefit payment level of each and the cost of each to see which suits the benefits you need and the cost of each. Chances are if you get both, you will be paying more money for not alot of additional benefit, since the secondary will usually only pay up to what they would have paid as primary.

    Make sure you get the coverage that has the benefits that you need or will use-such as chiropractic and maternity.

  2. you shouldn't need two plans...they won't double pay.

  3. Review the better savings.  

    If your husband has a great plan for the both of you, there is no need to enroll within your benefit plan and have extra money taken out. The extra money can go toward gas or somthing else unless your company offers the benefits for free. :)

    It appear you may be paying out too much based on your question.

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