
If i am pregnant, and stop taking the pill will i still bleed? READ DETAILS PLEASE!!!?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i'm going to the doctor on friday to see what could possibly be going on with me, I was also going to take another HPT maybe the morning before i go, (I'M SO SCARED TO THOUGH!) i'm telling DH that i'm not going to take my pill until i go to the doc and see what's wrong, I did take a HPT last friday that came back a BFN and I had missed pills in the previous months so i know all this may be due to that......but I haven't had much of a period the last 2 months especially the last month was VERY VERY little and was brown color, I have a constant headache, my back is killing me, i'm moody, and crying about stupid things on tv! I have been having a LOT of cramping in my stomach, and the other night all i did was shift my hips and had painful cramping in my abdomen like i moved wrong, I haven't noticed if i'm peeing more than usual cause i pee alot as it is... i've had diarrhea but that may be cause of my coffee, my b***s do feel pretty tender, and i'm noticing it more yesterday and today, and I've also just been feeling weird, yesterday i was laying down with my son for a nap (been pretty tired lately too) and i swore i was feeling something weird in my stomach kind of like bubbles but similar to when my son was kicking but it was just odd, . I'm just wondering if i stop the pill and i AM pregnant, will i still spot or bleed? i wanted to stop taking it until i go to the doc and figure out what's going on with me.... i'm freaking out because i want to be pregnant so bad it may be all in my head..... but i feel just...different... idk!! what do u think!?




  1. you are right not to take the pill until you speak to your doctor on friday. and if you are pregnant then you will not bleed. it sounds that you could be pregnant but it could also be your mind playing tricks on you.  

  2. Please let me know your results! I've been feeling the exact same way, and I've been too chicken s*it to go to the DOC lol. I just stopped refilling my Yaz. I want so much to be pregnant again so I'm concerned it's all in my head. Would you email me and let me know how your doctor appointment goes?

  3. If you even suspect that you're pregnant do not take the pill any more.  That will not make you bleed IF you are pregnant.  The pill is not doing you any good if you're pregnant so why take it.  IF you're not pregnant, just wait until you know for sure and don't have s*x (assuming that you don't want to get pregnant).

  4. we are in the same boat, i bout a test i will take tomorrow , it sounds likeyou  have some of the symptoms And about when you thought you moved wrong, i sneezed and the cramping began  i wish you good luck.i think you are pregnant , guess you will have to wait and see

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