
If i ate McDonald's 3 times a day ?

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what would i look like after 2 years




  1. If you ate a McDonald's Breakfast. A McDonald's salad for Lunch and another for dinner.. Actually you'd be pretty healthy On the other hand If you ate The McDonald's Pancakes and  eggs  and a Big Mac for Lunch and another for Dinner and you add fries to both of those meals and you super size it Then in 2 years you will be super sized with extremely high cholesterol. Your life span will be a lot shorter.

  2. holly snapp!! dude.. u'd look like a cow who's full of milk. layin on a sumo after eating twice it's body weight on the pasture of a farm!!! puahaha.  

  3. Watch Super Size Me and multiply his results exponentially for an approximate weight.

  4. You would look if you ate a cow.I would never do that.I eat there 1 time a week.That is better than 3xs a day.

  5. a Golden Arch

  6. Fat and very un-healthy!

  7. hmmmm ....a pickup truck :D

  8. Like a blimp :)

  9. Like this s**y man!

  10. VERY fat... your choleterol woud sky rocket..

    havent you seen the movie

    supersize me?

    that whole movie was only in 30 days.

    think about what would happen to you in two YEARS

  11. You would have your eyes closed, laying down with you arms crossed over your chest in a coffin.... or you will be in an Urn on a mantle somewhere - yes, that is right, you will be dead because McDonald's is quite the killer!

  12. This depends on how old you are and how fast your metabolism. If it's normal, then you would probably be overweight and very unhealthy. If it's fast, then you probably gain some unwanted weight and be unhealthy. Either way you would turn out to be very unhealthy and you might get malnutrition. I sure hope you don't try this!

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