
If i ate a can of cream of chicken, 2 eggs, and a blt at 11:30 p.m. what time should i go to bed?

by  |  earlier

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if i ate a can of cream of chicken soup, 2 eggs w/ cheese, and a BLT sandwitch at 11:30 p.m. what time should i go to bed?

I know they say you should wait 2 hrs before eating anything before going to bed, but i think i ate too much food anyway and i'll probably gain the weight.

What do you guys think?




  1. You must have been really hungry! I've read you should wait 4 hours after eating before sleeping. Whenever I eat too much and sleep I just take it easy the next day. Don't stress over it, just try to balance things out by going easy tomorrow.

  2. Just to be safe, you should stay up the whole night.  Pray that there is a 24hr Gym nearby.  You are gonna have to work.

  3. geeze that is a lot of high calorie food... like people said it won't really change anything you still "did damage".. if you want to snack late eat light popcorn because it feels snacky and fills you up but it is mostly air, and if there isn't a lot of butter its not that bad

  4. Yes, 2 hours is the generally recommended time but it's not just for weight lose. Lying down too early after eating will cause your stomach acid to travel back up your system and it can eventually cause cancer. It's also bad for your body as when you go to bed your body is meant to be resting- not digesting your food. Overeating before bed sometimes causes nightmares too.

    Once in a while won't hurt, but on a regular basis you should try and eat as early as possible before bed and then drink plenty of water.

  5. You will absorb the calories from what you eat no matter what time you go to sleep.  But if you eat a heavy meal and go to sleep right away, your digestion processes will slow.  You will feel heavier in the morning and will likely "gain" temporary weight by additional water retention the next day.

  6. It doesn't matter at all when you go to bed.

    You could save up all your daily calories, eat them at eleven, and go to bed at midnight. The only thing that would change is that you'd get a severe stomach ache. Weight gain has nothing to do with when you consume your food and when you exercise or rest.

    It's a myth. Myth Myth Myth. Don't believe me? Let me explain.

    Lets compare, if you will, a human being and a car, equating food intake to gas in the tank.  Say you use 2 gallons of gas a day (...or 1500 calories) to get back and forth to work or school, etc. Although you actually 2 gallons a day, your gas tank holds 15 gallons. For arguments sake, lets say there are 10 gallons of gas currently in the car.  If you put 2 gallons of gas in your car in the morning and then use those 2 gallons throughout the day, you'll be left with exactly what you started with; 10 gallons. If, however, you start out with 10 gallons, drive away the 2 gallons and wait until the end of your day to put back the 2 gallons, you still end up at the same point -- 10 gallons. The only way you'd ever end up with more or less than 10 gallons (weight gain or loss) is to either change the amount of gas you put in (food) or the amount you drive (exercise).

    I realize that might be a little bit of a difficult metaphor to understand, but the reasoning is true. If your body requires 1700 calories a day to function, even if you starve yourself all day and eat 1700 calories at night you will neither gain nor lose weight. You'd have to change the amount of calories throughout the day or the amount of calories you burn.

    Alright, complicated answer for a simple question.

    Simple answer? Go to bed when you're tired. Eating times have nothing to do with weight gain.

  7. I wouldn't worry about ONE night.  Go for seconds.

  8. Go to bed... it doesn't matter if you wait 2 hours or not. Your still going to gain the weight unless you work out.

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