
If i attach four wires coming out of a wall to a light fixture with two wires is that a problem?

by  |  earlier

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I recently installed a light fixture. The light that was there prior to the switch had 2 positive and 2 negative wires and this is also what came out of the wall. The new fixture only had 1 pos and 1 neg so when installing it I attached both negs from the wall to the one on the light and did the same for the pos. Will this cause any problems?




  1. You did it properly. Should have no problems as long as your connections are tight.

  2. If the feed goes to the switch first, and this is one of two lights, then it should work.   If one wire (one black,one white) is the feed, and the other goes to the switch, then connecting it that way won't work.

    If one wire feeds the switch, then white wire to switch box ties to the hot wire. The black from the light switch ties to the black from the light.

    The white neutral wire ties to the white wire from the fixture.

    Make sure the ground wires are spliced, and connected to the box.

  3. It depends on what the extra wires were for- if doing this didn't disable anything it should be good to go. its' probably just a middle of the run box.

  4. I'm betting that a previous 'DIY'er made some splices inside

    the old fixture that you removed.

    Without a better description of the situation, I won't venture a guess

    about the function of those four wires, but you're in for an interesting

    time finding out.

  5. Your first fixture probably had 2 lights.

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