
If i beg on the streets in sydney how much will i get???

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If i beg on the streets in sydney how much will i get???




  1. Hopefully, whatever you deserve.

  2. nothing, maybe 20c for a whole day of begging.

    When I go to uni, I pass through sydney terminal train station, there's a tunnel underneath the train station (for all you fellow sydney people - devonshire st tunnel), and all the beggers seem to want to gather there.

    The general concensus is that the beggars are looked down upon, and if the coppers come, they'll tell you to bugger off (some beggar from george st got the treatment).

    However, if you want to busk, you could be quite successful. A lot of people busk in the tunnel too and they get much more than the beggars.

    But then again, most of the beggars (if not all) are homeless. I'm not trying to be stereotypical, but that's how I see it.

    There was this beggar on broadway, tried to get 2 dollars of us for 'bus money' - but we all knew it was for his next fix, was also suicidal, walked on the bus lane and almost got run over, and then in the end he grabbed a half empty coke can from the bin and drank it. Don't know what happened after that, all I had in my mind was to get away from the bloke as fast as I can.

    So yeah basically

    beg - nothing (maybe 20c - 1 dollar)

    busk - you'll get money

  3. depends on what your sign says, and how generous the people are feeling that day.

  4. A couple of years if we are lucky.   Get a job you bludger.

  5. depends on the crowd of the street at that time and ur luck.

  6. You homeless or something? Go get a job!

  7. I've never begged so i wouldnt know.

    I have given beggers up to $10 in the past though. If you can get over the shame of it and you can get 15 people to give you $2 each you'll be making better money than me. And you wont even have to work for it.

    Personally, i couldnt bring myself to do that.

  8. There was an unreal article in the Weekend Australian just last week. One guy was getting an easy 115 bucks a day. i must say i was a little peed off.

  9. Hopfully a black eye!!!!

  10. here's a quarter

    call someone who cares

  11. Less than if you prostitute yourself.

  12. Bludger,most beggars in Sydney are drug addicts.This plague is really new to Sydney.Doesn't happen in Wollongong.There is no need to beg in this country,you can get government housing or assistance and pension or dole.

    The people who give beggars money are fools! looks like there are some suckers here.

    You are better giving your cash to a charity,where the so called Beggar can go and get real help.The suckers are making the problem worse,not better,for us and the so called beggars.Go to London or San Fran,it is the pits!

  13. Do not think that just because we Sydneysiders live in Australia's biggest and possibly richest city, you will get rich just from begging. There are no such things as taking shortcuts to achieving goals.

    Beggars annoy me personally. Especially young ones - this is from a sixteen year old's point of view.  How can there be these people hanging around our streets when there are many great opportunities in this great country? How can they end up like this? Obviously because of laziness and a lack of decision making.

    If tourists see them, it'd give them a message about our country or confirm any stereotypes they may have had about our people.

  14. Don't beg - do something useful, earn your money busk or something. Show some pride!

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