
If i bout a ps3 from game stop and opened it would they let me take it back if i Had the recite?

by Guest34433  |  earlier

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I'm only 11 and i don't have 60 dollars to spend on games and i don't like video games that much




  1. I agree. Maybe learn to spell before you play too much console games! AlSo yOuR pUnCtUaTiOn Is A lItTlE oFf :)

  2. Yes they would. But you have to return it in about 14 days or sumthin if you want your exact money you payed for it back. Otherwise, they'll pay you less for it sinced it's used for more than the time they gave you.

  3. you could try giving it back to gamestop, but there might be a restocking fee..good luck

  4. no i dont think

    its a 400 dollar game man

    and second its ur fault for bein stupid and not checkin the prices for games 1st

    dur da dur

  5. probably not, but you could sell it on ebay.

  6. depens on how long you have had it. they will take it back but not pay you in full price. try ebay

  7. i dont know about game stop, but most stores wont take it back due to the copy writing laws.  they might only let you trade it in for another game or give you a gift card for less then what you paid for it.

  8. recite?  you mean receipt.  Am sure they wont take back, even with receipt

  9. Yes they will (my husband and I shop there ALL THE TIME)

    I'm not sure what the time limit is for sure but it's either ONE WEEK or 30 DAYS from the date of purchase WITH a Receipt, i'm thinking it's 30 days because there one week policy exists for used items and since your PS3 is probably new i'm thinking it was 30 days.  

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