
If i breed a normal male leopard gecko to a female hypo leopard gecko,what type of babies would i get?

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I don't what answers like baby leopard geckos,i want people who know about leo breeding.

thanks for the help




  1. That's part of the fun. Look around the web at all the different morphs that are out there. How do you think they "unlocked" those genes. You just gotta wait and see what happens.

  2. I assume by hypo, you mean hypo tangerine.  If it's a baldy hypo tangerine (lacking black spots on it's back) unfortunately it is unlikely the babies will turn out that way.  You most likely bet will be no baldies or albinos (unless both geckos are het for those traits in which case there's a 1/4 chance for that trait to be expressed).  Most will be normal, some have the potential for a darker orange colouration rather than the typical high-yellow type colouration.  I imagine that you will find there to be less black pigmentation in the babies than the normal, although not nearly as little as with the hypotang.  A lot of the time it's not completely possible to predict what the babies will look like and will occasionally be plesantly surprised by the turn out.  Once you've recieved a number of babies from each you will be able to "prove out" different traits in your geckos and determine if it is het for anything beyond it's expressed traits.

    Happy breeding!!

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