
If i buy a budgie should it be a pair?

by  |  earlier

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and i am keeping a bird for the first time so please help me out.what sort of cage should i buy for the budgies and what colour is good if possible please send me a picture.and how long do they live

thanks alot




  1. If you buy them wild yes a pair is fine. But for a hand tamed one you'll need to look up a breeder near you to go buy one from them who hand feeds theirs for tameness. Otherwise please do not expect a pair or wild parakeets or even a single parakeet to tame up to you if it was not raised by hand. You can pick out the color upon viewing them and they live close to 15 yrs. You should name them according to their looks and personality. Ren and stimpy, beavis and butthead LOL! @_@

  2. Get a love bird instead they live longer. But don't buy a pair and make sure he was hand fed. Budgies are cheaper but don't last as long. Cages you can get anywhere. Give him space so get a good size cage where you can add toys for the bird to play.

  3. Budgies are a lovely pet.  I had them as a child but parent's dachshunds thought they were snacks so I never had them again.  I inherited a pair from my Niece who moved south and I was afraid to become attatched as my others only lasted a few months.  I called them chickens and made sure they were feed and cleaned but didn't interact one on one much, especially since they were boy and girl and I thought they would not take to me.

    I was pleased to learn from the breeder they were bought from they can live upwards of 7 years and some even twenty with proper care and stimulating environments.  I got Bran and Carrie in about 2005.  I began noticing they prefered classical music and Telemundo in the background for entertainment.   They really reacted when they heard birds on TV or outside.   I recommend playing videos of "Budgies Talking" from Youtube for your new pet or pets a few times a week.

    General care of a Budgie is a large clean cage, a good amount of high quality Budgie food from any pet supply source, fresh water daily and lots of friendly chit chat.  Budgies love fresh millet but will gorge on it so give it maybe once a week.   Most fresh veggies and fruits are ok, EXCEPT Avacado. No chocolate either.  Mine will not eat cooked pasta or eggs but some do .  My guys like Sunchip Harvest Cheddar but they are a little greasy so only once a month or so.  

    Males really like mirrors or shiny things.  Mine never had their wings clipped so they usually got a minimum of an hour fly time, I put paper toweling under their favorite perching spots.  I change paper in the cage daily and scrub the cage with biodegradable soap once a week.  

    If you can't spend more than an hour a day with your bird you might want a pair.   A single male will bond within a few weeks to most any nice human but Budgies are very social and need interaction.  Females are generally quieter and may not seem as social but they are often singing under their breath as Mother to a child if they are happy.    I can't say how long it took me to hear my male talking human but he says,"thankyou" and "I love you".  I am meaning to record him some day as my hearing is not what it should be and I know he is saying more than this by his body language.

    There are websites beyond numbering out there, a quick search of "Budgie Care" yeilded:

    Best of luck to you!

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