
If i buy something at $15, how much will it be with taxes?

by Guest58248  |  earlier

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i think its about 17 dollars, but i might be wrong.





  1. Depends where you buy something.

    In Ontario the taxes are 15% on the dollar.

    Seems like a rip but if you live there it is well worth it.

  2. It ranges from 5% (Alberta, no PST) to 13% (the Maritimes, Ontario, and Quebec).

  3. Gst is 5% and Pst is 8% in Ontario.  Some things (groceries, etc.) only have one applicable tax, I believe we still pay PST on these items, but not GST.  

    GST recently dropped from 7 to 5%.

  4. Depends one where it is bought, where it is sold, and what item it is.

    Some states or counties or provinces have a different mill rate than others, some do not tax food to be cooked but do tax prepared food.

    Figure 7%-25%

    17 on  15 is about correct for most places.

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