
If i buy £100 worth of shares in Adobe Systems Inc how much will i get back this time next year?

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If i buy £100 worth of shares in Adobe Systems Inc how much will i get back this time next year?




  1. It's impossible to say.  It depends on what the price is next year.  You could even lose money.

  2. It depends on how much the stock is worth and the way the stock market goes through out the year. I would check with a stock broker if i was n your situation so u dont lose alot of money  

  3. that depends. theres really no way to tell how the stock will be doing next year. hence why its always a longshot to invest.

  4. You will get as much as your heart desires cutie!!!

    are you from UK by chance?

  5. I wouldnt buy a share from them..there is other stuff to invest in

  6. nice work idk goodd q im a jew lol

  7. 123321

  8. Adobe Systems didn't pay dividends this year.  They may not pay any next year.

    The only way to get money off stock that does not pay dividends is to sell it for more than you paid for it.

    Adobe Systems stock is cheaper now than last year at this time.  But it is on a current rise.

    Unless you have some reason to believe the stock will gain in value, you may not gain anything on the stock by next year.

  9. depends on adobe systems dividend.  some companies don't offer dividends while others do. say the dividend is 1.25 then you will get 1.25 pounds per share that you own.  When you look at the stock it should have div #.## if it doesnt have a div then there is none.

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