
If i call mine and it goes to the person behind me do i still need to get it?

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If i call mine and it goes to the person behind me do i still need to get it?




  1. this happens to me a lot! well if i call mine, i just try to get it even if its going towards someone else. the only time i would stop is if they call me off or if i have time to yell help or open. but i fyou DO yell help or open, you have to yell loud and quick. yell it like, 3 times, open up to the person and face them and yell YOU YOU YOU GO!

  2. Yes. If you call it loud enough and the person behind you hears you....then he/she will back off to eliminate confusion. If you call it and don't get it then the ball will drop

  3. First of all you ONLY call "mine" if the ball is coming to you, and if you are going to get it! So in response to your question, yes you need to get it unless you see the person behind you getting it. This is because when someone calls "mine" they are responsible for what happens to that ball until it goes over the net.

  4. That is a good question that we all face on the court.

    Usually your teammates should all have mutual understanding regarding what to do, and what-if’s.

    In your scenario when the ball is definitely going to the back row, you need to make your decision as soon as possible and call something (like You-You-You), and step away (don’t just duck and close your eyes :).

    If the person behind you is really "no good" as passing, you might have to step backward to take the pass, over-handed at the worst. Sometimes you might have to go all the way back once you are committed to it. If the setter is behind me and we play 5-1, I would really sacrifice my chance of going up for a hit, to make sure that I can deliver a decent pass even if I have to step back all the way.

    Again, this is team sport and you and the one behind you should have a certain agreement regarding what should be expected especially when you got "tricked" to call "mine" by a serve.

  5. yup ya do. first you need to communicate when the ball comes near you 2. if u call it its yours. if you dont take it, the person behind you will most likely let it drop, thinking that you were gonna get it.

  6. Well, technically yes but if the other person can make a good pass off of it, then don't go for it. It's better to let them pass the ball, than for the two of you to run into each other. In the future, just watch the ball and then call it.

  7. This means that you either called the ball to soon, or misjudged it. In this case, unless the other person has also made a verbal attempt at the ball, it is your ball, you called it, that stuff happens. Note: if they move towards the ball they might back off once you have called "mine" so be sure that they have it, or take it: its better to urge towards caution, and know that someone has got the ball.

  8. you're supposed to, yes.    if you can, take it with an overhand pass (settingish) or butterfly (soft-block hands) if it's not low enough for a bump but if it's way over ya .. you turn and SCREAM woman!!!!!  you say:: HELP HELP HELP or YOU YOU YOU   and that person either take that ball or pee their pants

  9. NO!! Say Don't got it and yell out the persons name behind u to get it!

  10. yes if you call mine everybody backs off so you need to get it,. dont call mine if you are not going to get it only call it if you are sure you can get it.

  11. Yes

  12. If I were you and called mine and it went to the person behind me let them get it. Your team should always be ready and they should see if you can get the ball or not. The person behind you has a better chance of hitting the ball good but to be safe be right near them in case they do not hit the ball because you called mine! Have a great volleyball season!

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