
If i called my broker and asked him to sell shares in one company and buy in another how long would this trans

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if i called my broker and asked him to sell shares in one company and buy in another how long would this transaction take




  1. If market orders, typically as long as it takes him to type the information into his computer and hit enter (which you could do as easily and likely cheaper with an on-line broker).  Of course any order has a limit, that order might or might not fill at all.

    If you did it yourself you would enter a OTO order where one (the sell) triggers the other (the buy), assuming you are using proceeds from the sale for the buy (if not enough cash or margin).

    But I am basing this on US, europe, or other exchanges with electronic trades.

  2. If the prices that you are using is "market" and you are going to a regulated market, and the quantity of each order is 500 shares or less. then both orders should take about 10 seconds.  This includes order entry, execution and trade reporting,

    A limit order may take longer depending on the current quote going in.

    Order entry usually takes a few seconds, routing the order takes a couple more seconds.

    If you are using the OTC market, a market order should be completly done within 10 seconds,  

  3. Assuming there's 400,000 shares or more traded a day..... it should be done in a split second.

    Calling a broker is a very expensive way to trade. If you're paying more than $20 a trade... and you make your own decisions...... you're costing yourself way too much money............

  4. Depends what the stock is. Maybe 20 seconds or so or than maybe 5-10 minutes. If it ws illiquid migt take all day.

  5. seconds if you are trading a real company (not a penny stock). How long does it take to click on your account, hit " sell" X shares of ABC market order, send.


    Now, Buy XYZ market (same account).


    OTO orders are not valid for stocks.

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