
If i cant be sponsered by an airline, how can i become a commercial pilot?

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im 16, doing my GCSE's, im going on to do AS's and A-levels and hopefully a degree in engineering at university. what do i need to do before or after this to become a commercial pilot?




  1. Its possible to take out a HSBC loan if worst comes to worst :)

  2. You could always pay for your own training.  Costs about £60,000.  

    Or get a PPL, and work your way through the other exams and get some hours on your licence.  Airlines like people that have worked their way through the system

  3. Study

















    Fly some more

    Get it?

    *Nope he is British thats why he didnt like my answer about hard work.

  4. Subject to being medically fit, you can join any of the flying clubs in your area. Start off by clearing the ground subjects and in the meantime, take a familiarisation flight to see how much you would like flying. If all goes well, while pursuing your studies, you could put in a few hours of flying every month. Very soon you would be able to obtain your Private Licence and at that stage you would be in a better position to decide if you wish to continue your flying career. If you decide, you can proceed and complete your hours for your Commercial Licence. Hopefully, by the time you are finishing your studies, you would be all set to obtain your Commercial Licence. See if the same flying club can give you a job as an instructor. In that case you could apply for your Instrument and Instructor's ratings and start your teaching job. Not only will this help you to offset your costs but would also help you to log hours without having to pay for them. While at it, you may also obtain your multi-engine rating.

    All the above could be a possible way for you to achieve your aim. I wish you all the best of luck.

  5. Save up it costs a lot of money to train!

  6. What is GCSE's?  I keep seeing this and have no idea what it is.  Also, what is AS's, and A levels?  Are you in the US, or another country?

  7. Just having the license won't put you where you want to go. Aviation is a "good old boys club". It's also who you know. Having a Commercial license will only get you a job with a Regional Airline and no way to pay back a loan. Look several steps ahead to determine weather Military, loan, or saving is best for you.

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