
If i close my eyes while i smoke will it reduce the redness in my eyes?

by  |  earlier

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I have a dumb friend who says so but hey if it works ima star doing it. s




  1. You are just as dumb as your friend if you think this will work.  Just quit smoking and you won't have to worry about it.

  2. well depends on what you are smoking....but am pretty sure what you are talking about....and in that case..the best thing would be get some visesine....that is the best thing......enjoy...

  3. Ho about you dont smoke at all. You could get lung cancer and it is also pollution

  4. nope, no diff.  honestly, if you don't want red eyes...stop smoking!!!!  why do you want to pay to kill yourself?? throwing yourself off a cliff would be just as effective, a lot cheaper, and a lot quicker!  =)

  5. allitle cause the smoke wont get inthem but they still will be red  

  6. No. I think the trick is to close your eyes INSTEAD of smoking. That will eliminate the irritation and redness.

  7. I'm assuming your talking about weed... and no.. but Visen... I dont know how to spell that.. but the drops that you put in your eyes.

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