
If i com to england an git england female with my baby will i get england pass port for me and hole family???

by  |  earlier

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...hard life in turkey now we hear england is best for free monneys. how i find easy english woman?????




  1. How find easy english woman! simple friday night any pub bring some cash that's what most of your mates do.

    You need to be here on monday get giro(cash) friday.

  2. Go out on the town on a Saturday night. She'll be orange with blonde hair.

  3. No, thank goodness.

  4. looooool

  5. Yeah! Why not - this country is like downtown Istanbul anyway - so what does it matter.

    Bring your goats as well mate - Gordon Brown will look after them as well.

  6. Take lessons off of leeches in the swamp, they do the same sort of thing. Also I think if you look up parasite in the Oxford dictionary you might pick up a few tips.

    Do you like s*x and travel? then ***k off

  7. You should know english people don't like immigrants especially turkish people. You are having a laugh mate.  

  8. NO Zimbabwe is best for fried hot dogs, green pies left on the vverriii...........................

  9. are you taking the p**s? or are you serious? what an idiot!!! People like you give all the immigrants and non white residents of Britain a bad name!

  10. You having a laugh?

  11. Will the female consent to the s*x?

  12. Yeah, you'll get a council house, (rent paid), lots of benefits for you and your 10 children (which you will have with the silly tart who you impregnate) and any time you want more you just have to claim that you're being "racially discriminated against" - this Government will be tripping over themselves to provide everything you want(using taxpayers' money of course) . . . You'll have it made, mate.

    You should be able to find a suitable slapper in any nightclub on a Saturday night, she will be easily recognisable from her orange fake tan, large hoop earrings and bleached blonde chelsea scrapeback.  A large amount of cheap nasty Argos "bling" is also a good indicator.  She'll be yours for the price of a double Malibu and Coke.

  13. just contact lord levy donate to labour party (and levy)and you will get a knighthood with your passport as for easy woman her name is cherie

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