
If i complete my study at 8th standered, which job can make me earn more money?

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i would like to choose industry, where my qualification matches best.

I can do anything in Marketing

I am hard worker, but no body offer me more then 3000pm

I would like to prove myself




  1. the job is education, you say you are a hard worker then why dont you continue your studies, continue your studies try getting a degree then you can earn more

  2. I do not recommend, because you do not get a suitable job with a pass in 8th standard. The best you can get is an attender or delivery boy job in a small establishment. Ofcource, they give you Rs. 3,000 pm. I suggest you study further, at least 12th standard, with a short term computer course. At least you get a decent job, with 8,000 - 10,000 pm. Good luck.

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