
If i consolidate my itunes library will it delete all my stuff from my ipod?

by Guest34396  |  earlier

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i wanna transfer all the music from my ipod to my itunes but i just wanna make sure i dont end up messin up my ipod...




  1. yes

  2. consolidating your itunes library wont do anything to your ipod but if your trying to get the music from your ipod to your computer, then dont open itunes and make sure that ur ipod is set to be able to be used as an external drive, then plug it into ur computer then open my computer and click on it form there. then if u have xp there should be an option on the window that says show hidden icons or something along the lines, if not then it should be under advanced option, then go through every folder and select all of the songs(they will have weird four letter names like GVFD) and drag them or copy them to where u want them onto your computer.

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