
If i create my own website then can i get money through my website?how can i get money through web site?

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i want to create my own website and through website can i get money ? so what can ido for this ? if i create my own web site then how can i get money please send me best answers.




  1. actually its depend on the content of your website, why not try sale something?

  2. There is a simple concept of making money from your website.

    I'm explaining you with the help of an example.

    We all read news papers, isn't it?

    Have you ever thought that how the news paper company able to manage its company by just giving us the news paper in merely Re. 1 or 2-3 bucks. Actually they get lots profit by the ads they have in the news papers.

    So, your website is the news paper and when companies gives ads on your website, you earn lots of profit.

    Now what you want, where you'll get the ads.

    So, one of the most popular company providing ads are Google Adsense. Though yahoo also has its ads service but not that much good as Google Adsense. Please, if any Yahoo! official is reading this answer, don't flame me out kick me out :P

    Anyways, so make a good website with original content and its worth reading or very useful, you'll automatically get traffic and hence you'll automatically generate earning.

    How to add these advertisement in your website, simply follow the steps in the website of the respective ads providing companies.


  3. Well..Yes you can earn money from your website by pasting google ads on your site and get paid for clicks and you wll earn more earning if your site has good ranking, so try to write good content on your site, do SEO, email marketing etc..good luck

  4. If you wish, you may try this Time-Tested, Risk Free & Novel Earning Opportunity that is making Internet Millionaires in India without wasting time, money & energy:-

  5. There are many ways to create income from a website. Some build websites around a topic that they are passionate about. Some build a website around a particular product and collect money through affiliate marketing. I could give you some ideas on how you can do this around your interests. Unfortunately, I do not know your interests. The web host that I use has a great video tour on their site that gives many great examples and ideas. You can see this video at It may spark some ideas of your own. When It comes time for you to select a web host, I suggest that you take a look at several options prior to committing. Compare feature-by-feature then dollar-for-dollar.

    This will help you find the best fit to build your dream site.

    I would be happy to share my experience in building my own.


  6. There are lot many ways of earning money online.You can sell information, products,services, post advertisements etc.

  7. Try writing a blog on something that interests you and something that you think would appeal to someone else toread and then you can have google place ads on your site for you and whoever clicks on your ads - you will get an amount for!  Good luck!

  8. By merely creating web site you wont earn money. You have to post ads into your site. And when some one clicks the ads you earn proportionate income.

    Create your website with lot of data (7 to 8 concepts) which the internet user should require. Then post ads through Google adsense.

  9. In order to make money from your website you need to know  some CTPM principles.

    You can make money promoting afifliate products or displaying ads , like Adsense.

    To learn  how to do it right, visit  the links  I posted and

    take some advice from SBI!.

  10. find something to offer - like that geek who sold pixel space on his page and made over $1 million US

    i wouldnt bother with ads any more. my computer for example is setup to reject 99% of banner, text and popup ads on web pages, so if i clicked on to your site of whatever, i wouldnt see anything but blank spaces where your ads should be.

    with all the junk going around the net these days, most people's computers are more protected than a teen in the red light district.

  11. check out this link

  12. Wealthy Affiliate is awesome. I love it, and I'm a member for life!

    I wouldn't want to attempt affiliate marketing without Wealthy Affiliate.

    I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to make money online. I know that may sound like a gratuitous plug, but I still highly recommend it even if you don't sign up through my link! Sign up through someone elses link if you want to, I don't care. You'll still be doing yourself a favor by joining Wealthy Affiliate. Well to make money you have to spend a little money $39.00 is not much at all if you want to try wealthy affiliate. You will have all the tools you need to get your business booming:

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