im currently doing 3 hours of exercise a day. and its really tough...its taking over my entire life and i dont like it anymore! im really trying to lose weight and i dont want it to take forever! i admit im not eating that much either. i dont have a problem or anything...i just kind of forget...or have got into bad habits! im eating 800ish cals a day of fish, fruit, veg, occasionally oats and occasionally dairy (odd cup of tea, odd yoghurt) and i really dont thin im going abou this in the right way anymore. i need to lose around 30 pounds and i want it off quick! as you can see i WILL work hard. do i need to change what im doing? im scared that because iv been doing this for a while..if i eat more or exercise less or both...i will gain weight or stop losing. problem is i keep failing because the program is tough!