
If i cut out all 'junk food' will i lose weight ? ?

by Guest21462  |  earlier

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Like - Chocolate / Crisps (chips) / Cheese / pastry ...




  1. Not necessarily. If you still consume a lot more calories than you are burning off, you will still not lose any weight.

  2. Probably. How much weight depends on how much of the stuff you eat. I lost about 20 pounds doing this over the course of 3 months.

    Cheese isn't junk food though, just choose light or low fat varieties. It has lots of calcium and protein.

  3. ~ Yes.  Cutting out all dairy and soda pop will help too.

  4. heres the thing.. cut out, butter, cheese, bread, pasta, chips, all stuff u know is fattening and bad.. eat fruit, lots of veggies, chicken, fish and salads.. i will lose weight fast. i did that for about 3 months once and lost a little more then ten pounds.. i was hungry all the time haha but i looked d**n good. its a lifestyle u have to keep up.. its hard.. only cheat on the weekends..............

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