
If i delete all the pictures off of my computer will it become faster?

by  |  earlier

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i have 2000 pictures...




  1. yes put on disks

  2. It would probably make it a little faster.  But even 2000 pictures isnt going to help speed it up that much.

    I heard of a site you can try that can make it really fast.

    hope this works for you!

  3. Yes it will because there will be less stress on your hard drive. But make sure to save them somewhere like a memory card of stick. Or servers like However don't expect a dramatic difference.

    Good luck!

  4. No, it won't make your machine run faster if you delete all your pics. Lessen the number of apps you have running, and take all the c**p off your Desktop you don't need, do a defrag, run CC Cleaner to get rid of the junk you've accumulated from surfing the net.

  5. no, 2000 pictures still are need to defrag and clean up your registry

  6. yes

  7. Start


    System Tools

    Disk Clean - Up


    that will make you computer go faster

    Free cleaner

  8. Noooo...the computer gets slow if ur using many applications at a moment.....deleting your pictures will clear up your hard disk.....

  9. pictures don't really take up that much space...chances are it wont make that much of a difference

  10. Yes.

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