
If i did a bunch of heroin and it is still 5 minutes later is it pretty much impossible for me to die of OD?

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If i did a bunch of heroin and it is still 5 minutes later is it pretty much impossible for me to die of OD?




  1. Five minutes later it could be possible for you to die still if you did a lot of heroin. If you shoot heroin you could feel the drug right away.But if you sniff it it could take 10 or so minutes before you even begin to feel the dope.So in your question you have to be more specific about what way that you are talking about doing the drug. Snorting,injecting or smoking?

  2. ummm.....erm.......

  3. I really hope not...but read up on recreational drugs to know's one link

  4. yeah a friend's brother od on saturday at 3 pm from the drugs he had done friday night.......stupid, stupid, stupid....such a waste....

  5. I hope not.

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