
If i didn't tear during my first childbirth what are the chances i won't tear this time?

by  |  earlier

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that is one thing that frightens me, that i'll tear and have to be stitched up.




  1. i teared big time on my first coz he was stuck and had stitches inside and out, i know its gross. but thankfully i didnt have anything like that on the 2nd and 3rd. so u never really know. try not to worry to much hun, at the end of the day as long as baby comes out safe and your ok thats all that matters. i hope everything goes smoothly. good luck

  2. It would depend on how big the baby is, and the position of the child.  Most tears are minor, and in the event that a tear seems to be one that will require stitches the doctor will try to cut you instead.

  3. it all depends on the size of the baby!! i had an episiotomy  with my son but it was because he was 9.5lbs so i think had he been smaller id of been ok....and the stitches suck!! lol but once the baby is born thats all you'll care about =) best of luck to you!!!

  4. I'm not sure what the chances are but I did when I had my first child and it was really no big deal they stitched it up and it was fine. It didn't even affect my healing time.  

  5. Have you ever heard of prenatal perenial massage?  It stretches you in advance to prevent tearing.  It worked great for me.

  6. If you didn't tear the 1st time, I would say the odds are good that you won't tear this time. But it depends on the size of the baby, of course. I ripped like crazy with my son, but had an episiotomy with my daughter.  

  7. i had a 4 degree tear w/ my first and my son i didnt tear at all... so  every one is didffrent and i dont think u feel the stiches or i didnt... good luck !

  8. i just depend on how big the baby an stuff my sister torn when she gave birth she said it wasnt too tooo bad but everyone is different

  9. even though you have a leg up on the rest of us, i think you have a little bit more chance of tearing this time. the only reason why is because you are little older than with your last baby so your tissue is not going to be QUITE as elastic as it was with that birth. although the only real risk in your case is probably how big the baby is and whether they come out in a great position vs. a fair-good position.

    if you worry about tearing massage your perineum with some good oil, vitamin e capsules work well. don't massage too much or too long because this isn't that good for it either, just enough to get the blood flowing and some circulation on that area to get it prepared. also, i don't know if doctors do this, but some midwives like to use "lubrication." lol  just some oil to get things to be more allowing for a child to pass through.

    this is probably my biggest fear this time because i had an epi last time and will not be getting one this time.

    good luck! and even if you tear, i heard its not as bad as you would think.

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