
If i do this every night?

by  |  earlier

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I do 700 bicycle sit-ups and about 200 push ups how long will it take to get a six pack and in shape. I already see results and ive been doing it for 2 weeks.

P.S. I take about 30 second breaks between every 150 sit up and 50 push ups




  1. That's a dangerously amount of Sit-Ups you're doing every night.  Doing that many every night can hurt you're back and in the future cause health problems.  Also I hope you are taking 1-2 days off every week in order to allow your muscles to relax.  Basically I'm saying cut back a bit on the sit-ups and take a 1-2 night break and you will still gain muscle fairly quickly.

  2. I don't think anyone can tell how long it will take, especially as we don't know your weight and height, diet etc.

    Make sure you're eating a healthy, balanced diet and drinking enough water and stick to your routine.  You could also try cardiovascular exercises such as running to burn the fat (as many people have a layer of fat covering their abs).  You could also try and look up other ab and upper body exercises, such as leg raises etc.

    Good luck!

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