
If i don't have a college meal plan can i still buy food with cash?

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i'm a commuter student. if i want to go to the cafeteria and get something to eat real quick, its okay to use cash right?




  1. You should be able to unless things have changed. When I was in college in the 90s, I didn't do a meal plan. I just paid with cash. I did that because I'm a light eater and my parents thought it made better economic sense.  

  2. It depends on how the school handles this sort of thing.  When I was in college, you couldn't go directly to any of the dorm cafeterias and buy food.  You needed to buy a ticket or pass someplace else, and present that.  There was a separate cafeteria where you could buy food a la carte.  Dorm residents could eat there, of course, but they would still have to pay cash.

    So check with your school, but pay attention to where the McDonald's or Subway is located when you drive in that first day.

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