
If i don't want to date a guy, am i weird?

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i just don't want to go out with guys anymore, and i am just not that interested anymore, i used to be guy crazy, is it wrong not to want a boyfriend? I'm in eighth grade.




  1. perfectly fine, theres no reason for a boyfriend at that age even tho i have a gf and im a year older but yeah its fine

  2. Not at all!  Enjoy being single and young and finding yourself.  There are so many other things to be interested in at that age that your probably doing yourself a favor.  You have the rest of your life to be interested in relationships.  

  3. You're definitely not weird, lol.

    Guys are immature, especially in 8th grade.

    They're just annoying.

    Wait a couple years until they actually grow up.

    You just don't want the stress of having a boyfriend who's a total butthead.

  4. not at all. you're just going through a transition of deciding what you want in life. you might end up liking guys again in the future or become l***o or something else. vote yes on g*y marriage in november.

  5. LoL! You are WAY too young to be thinking about relationships. I think you're still in the "cooties" stage with guys... and no, you're not weird. Being single is a h**l of a lot of fun. Don't worry about guys until you're about 15 - that's when it gets fun to date! Take time to figure yourself out - you'll meet some nice guys if you know who YOU are before you date.

  6. Pfft, no. You're still young. I'm around your age, and I couldn't care less about boys. Maybe you're just maturing and becoming more independent.

  7. No it's truly isn't. I am also in eighth grade, and I don't necessarily want a boyfriend either. It's okay to take a break every once in a while and just NOT have any love interest at all. Take it from me, being sinlge is much easier then having to deal wit the stress of a boyfriend!

    Do what you want to do, just be yourself! :]

  8. It's good not to want to date guys like crazy. Dating tons of guys gets you a bad reputation, generally. Also, try finding a guy and staying with him for more than a few weeks. It'll help you realize it's not about being with as many people as possible, and instead, finding one you really care about.

  9. Not really, I'm 16 and i hate having girlfriends cause they are so clingy (no offense)... I still like flirting and stuff tho :P

  10. You're a child maybe your sick of finger painting with him because he stole your glue or something. Who cares you're young.  

  11. No. Its smart. I'm going through a nasty divorce from a marriage I entered when I was 20 and my husband was 19. Its a mistake I tell ya! Men are jerks.

  12. no its not weird after i broke up with my bf i just wasnt up to dating another guy so i just hung out with my friends and then when i felt like i was up to dating again i got a new bf

  13. No. It's not, especially at your age. Dating is so overrated and you're so young. Wait a little while and I'm sure guys will be more than interesting again.

  14. no! being single is fun!

    keep your focus on school and stuff.

    boyfriend just cause drama, and if they break up with you you'll be really upset. and that's no fun! :]  

  15. no wayy!! im in eighth grade too, and i dont like to date either!

    i think its pointless since im not gunna marry him, lol!

  16. considering you are only in the 8th grade, maybe its a good thing you not into a boys right now.  just concentrate on school and having a good time with your friends right now.  you dont want to end up like the other s****s that ask if their pregnant at 13.

  17. Anymore?I'm in eighth grade and don't have that problem(never have)and if I did my mom would....well I don't want to know.

  18. no your just tired of all the drama and c**p and the energy it takes to be in one sometimes it just drains you out =) i have been not dating for like 2 years now and it has ebeen hard because all these guys keep asking me out after I say no but, no it's completely normal!

  19. You're only in eighth grade. It probably won't last forever, plus the guys are immature anyway.  

  20. Hello! You ane in eighth grade! What is the POINT of ggoing out? It is like, preparing you for divorce, not marrige if you go out for no reason

  21. No its not weird or wrong. You just probaly dont want to be anyone else but yourself. I was like that last year when i was in 9th grade. I have never been boy crazy though.  

  22. Wow your really at the age to be dating.. I think you're young for that and when you're older you'll see it differently. Wouldn't say you're a L*****n yet.

  23. No.. You should just chill for a while and enjoy life, which you can't really do with all the stuff that comes with dating.  

  24. No of Course Not. No ones weird i don't think :S

    Everyone is unique and different in their own way.

  25. its not wierd im your age and feel the same way just wait till highschool and it should get better it mite just be that none of the guys you know you are interested in.


    People place too much importance on having a boyfriend these days. What's really important is that you do what you want to do, and you'll eventually find that you're ready to have a boyfriend again.

  27. Its Normal I'm About To Be 16 and I'm Still Single, and Happy.

    Having A B/ G Friend Brings, Distraction, Problems, and Usually Leads To s*x. You Go And Keep Focusing In School OK?

  28. no, your not weird. your still young and i remember what i was like then. boys got on my nervous & stuff butt your opinion will change when you find the right one :) dont worry u have alot of timee!

    dont waste your time on jerks/silly boyss. there not worth it hun.

    hope i helped x

  29. nah, that's normal. my friend is kinda just blah about guys right now. they take up alot of your time so its good to take a break!

  30. since you are only in the 8th grade, you are probably just tired of seeing the same guys in your class, time after time after time again.  maybe a change of scenery, like when you get to high school or college will make you interested again

  31. That happened to me for a while. I was soo sick of stupid guys that were pigs so I stopped dating for quite a while. And no, you not weird at all!

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