
If i dont get any help or advice with this , im going to end my life - someone help?

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I felt dismissed by the dermatologist again, what do i do ?

she said she thought the cracking of my skin on the head of my p***s , is ' normal ' she couldnt explain whats caused it, but she told me there was no visable signs of psoriasis, dermatitis , or balantitis, or lichen sclerosis.

she said the itching i had was normal, and that everybody sweats down in the genital area.

she told me she wasnt sure if the cracks and tears in the skin will clear or whats caused them, but they might reduce in time, that i need to use simple emoliants.

she pointed out id had pictures taken of the area, a top consultant in london had looked at the pictures , who said there was no skin problem and that it was ' normal '.

that id had urology test done which all came back clear.

i told dr yell though i was still unhappy about the cracks and tears covering the head of my p***s and that i wanted another opinion.......she said ok a and that she was going to reccommend i see a ' professor griffis ' at a local hospital.

im really disappointed with this morings dermatology appointment because once again their telling me theres ' no ' skin conditiion and that the cracks and tearing of my skin on the head of my p***s ---------( which is very prominent to look at ) ---------------- is normal for me.

the only happiness i got is that ill get another opinion from a professor..

whilst there this morning she also aggreed to let me have a swab done of my p***s head..

normally the head of a male p***s as a smooth baby skin appearence.

mine is all cracked, like little tears covering the head part.

im 30 years old now and ive felt really anxious about this problem......i feel very inadequete and inferior as a male.

i hope to god, i pray that the cracked skin will clear up in time.....the not knowing is really tormenting me.

i have my forskin.......the condition doesnt very sensitive down there.......i can get erections ok...

i have a forskin, but the skin covering ' the head ' of my p***s is still all cracked and teared.

and i mean the head of my p***s not the forskin - and there not just wrinkles that smooth out when im erect , the skin is actually cracked and fissured

btw - the cracks and tears on the head of my p***s dont itch at all, they just feel very sensitive.

also i was checked for diabetes a couple of months ago the tests were clear.

i felt very disappointed once again to be told im normal and that theres no skin condition, the only clarity i got is that she agreed to get me refered to a professor about this.

she said also ; there was no signs of a yeast or fungal infection and that ;

everbody sweats and itches down there to some degree

what do i do ?

everywhere i look, i cant find anything about this condition or whats causing it or how it can be cleared or if it can.

the dermatologist this morning didnt know if the cracks can clear but said they might reduce in time........she seems certain that it ' ISNT ' a yeast infection or any skin disorder.

please help !!! ( clenched teeth ) grrrrr arrrgh !! - head butting wall




  1. Look at other signs today i was reading about thyroids so i even asked a question about what people thought about thyroid and how it related to disease no one answered.

    But there was something interesting i read.

    Thyroid issues have symptoms which lead to flaky skin. But reason im writing this is maybe its not a skin condition usually any skin condition is related to other things i suppose u could try finding the cracking skin symptoms that are evident in some diseases. Possibly thyroid i even read an article about a woman that thought she had thyroid and 25 years the docs couldnt realise it was thyroid even tests apparantly didnt show it but in fact it was just thyroid heck i dont know if your issue relates to thyroid issues but you can look into it plus theres plenty of other things that can be a cause of this. Maybe try a hormone specialist.  

    Also if you feel like answering my question go for it its related in some way;...

  2. You have nothing so wrong with you, that you should end your life over it. this is an obsessive thought and you need some meds to help you control this pain you are in.This is totally from masturbating, and nothing more. this can stop, if you stop touching yourself, and let it heal. nothing more. goto the hospital, if you truly feel suicdal

  3. Try Eucerin. It's readily available here in the states. If you can't find it in your area, you can probably order here:

    This product has cleared many undiagnosed skin problems in co-workers, family members and people I have spoken to. My family has used it on diaper rash since the stuff came out.

    I have this same problem with my skin ALL OVER. I use this stuff, and as long as I keep with it, it keeps away the cracks & flakes.

    Use the ORIGINAL cream, not lotion.

  4. get circumcised, that will solve your problems. Chicks don't dig little monsters coming out of their cave . the year is 2008, not caveman days.

    go ahead and kill yourself over this, you probably are a democrat and voting for the slave man, who will provide for all peoples of the world.

  5. why are you giving up. handle yourself to me. because you are very usefull for this world.

    live for others.. heaven is yours

  6. Listen, whatEVER you do, do NOT end your life, it is NOT the answer, please please please, you are really concerning me. Life is very precious, and there are many other doctors out there who might be able to help. Maybe nothing IS wrong, which is even better! But please, please, PLEASE don't end your life. And if you can't do it for me, who cares and is very concerned!, then do it for yourself.

  7. ask the doctor to check and see if you have any broken blood vesel in there that may cause the skin problem and see is it gets better when it's cold or hot or when you drink beer or wine  

  8. just use the normal cream which you were advice from doctor. but listen and understand what i'm saying.  everything depends on God.. so you ask for forgiveness about what sin you have done before. your problem was the result of that sin... ask forgiveness with tears.

    i think you want believe it but plz understand the fact.

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