
If i dont graduate high school?

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i was woundering if i dont graduate high school, is there still hope for me, are there careers that dont require you to graduate high school? plz only give me serios answers, this realy is not a joke question, cause this year iam a senior and i dont have inuf credit to graduate.




  1. Sad to say there is not much for you , while yo0u maybe able to get a job, it will not pay much above minimum wage and it won't be a livable wage  . If you feel that you wont be able to graduate this year than you can continue through the summer and the next school year.  In fact you have until your 21 to complete High school. If you do not complete school by then than you can test for your GED.

    Also once you graduate you can take classes at community college and even think about a university. Don't sell your self short. The more education the better your chance of having a good job with a good wage.  

  2. summer school.

    or repeat the year.

    get your highschool degree.

    youll be lucky if you get a good job WITHOUT a college degree.

  3. you NEED to finish school.  If you don't have enough credits then keep going, you can do summer school or even go an extra semester if you need to.  Having a HS diploma is a big deal and will help you out later on in life.  I mean what would happen if 10 years from now you wanted to go to college?  Having that HS diploma will really keep you out of jobs like flipping burgers and you will have many more choices available to you in your future.

  4. Yeah..more like suckish jobs than careers. Well whose fault is it that you don't have enough credits? Yours. You should of tried harder. Now you learn from your mistakes by having a bad job. Karma.

  5. You will be limited greatly in your carrer choice. Mostly likely you will only be able to get those jobs at min wage that only need trained monkeys to work for them like fast food joints or stock/werehouse entry level work.  

  6. I hope you like flippin' burgers!=D

  7. Wow. Ok I think there still is hopee for you! It's going to be difficult getting into other colleges; thats if you wish to attend. DOnt listen to these people their just being mean.

  8. Not going to college is like a SIN in my house, but not graduating high school?

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but there's not much hope for you if you don't.

    I suggest you take another year or two of high school (if that's possible).

    Most careers require a bachelor's degree, and with only a high school diploma, you won't get many options.

    But without a high school diploma, you're pretty much stranded.

    I really encourage you to take up another year or two of school, or else, not to sound rude or mean, but you'll be stuck with either a mop or a cheesy fast food restaurant uniform =(

  9. First finish what you started get your H.S diploma not only for its return value but also for the gratification of finishing despite the hurdles.

    BUT if decide not to finish no your life isn't over,the question you have to ask yourself is what do you want out of your life. Are you dropping out so you can party with friends or is there a bigger picture that you have in mind. What do you plan on doing with your life? Have you considered night school, GED, are you going to go to college you can still do it despite the fact you dropped out. No it isn't harder to get accepted you can start at a community college and move up. How about a trade (Carpentry,Electrical,Mechanics). Or how about the military always a good choice despite the current war. You see its not so much what do i do now as where do I want to be. Are you thinking outside the box. Dropping out isn't your only choice you have many. You are young make sure the choices you make are the ones you want and ones you wont regret.

    I have been there and done that. I dropped out, got my GED and became a supervisor at my job. Now I have moved on to a better job with good pay (c**p HOURS THOUGH). Had a little girl and I am trying to go back to school for my engineering degree to advance myself. My life didn't end and neither will yours. Just make sure you think it threw remember the BIGGER PICTURE.

  10. Well, U can learn a trade. Like Construction. I'm 17 and I'm making more than my friend's parents by tiling, ceiling, or even painting. But finish school, you can go to night school. :)

  11. well you can work in the construction bussines they make good money and you don't need a high school diploma.

  12. Get ready for the wonderful world of fast food restaurants, car sales, and real estate.  You'll never be able to retire because you won't have the money.

    If you give a d**n about yourself, you'd better find a way to get the credits needed to graduate, even if you have to do night school or summer school next summer.

  13. If you don't like the high school you are going to, why don't you try a technical high school and learn a trade. If you don't get a high school diploma, you will never get ahead and be able to support yourself. You will be stuck in dead end jobs of fast food.

  14. I actually dropped out from high school but i got my azz back on my feet again, went back to High school and point is there's always hope dude.

  15. Why wont you graduate from high school? MOST places that pay over minimum wage require at LEAST a high school diploma or GED certificate. I would recommend finishing off high school and then find work.

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