
If i dont know how to ride a do i travel around college campus??

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Wht is the typical way to travel around college, and shop around the campuz?

How do you travel around if you dont know how to ride a bike, or drive a car?




  1. Learn to ride. It's very easy. See if there's a cycling society at college and ask if they'd help you learn. I'm pretty sure any number of the guys in the club wouldn't mind helping a girl out like that...

  2. walk duh

  3. i be good if u walked, rollerbladed, skatboarded, etc. Not only is it alot of fun but it can a good exercise for u.

  4. First, find some one with a car and make friends right a way. Then LEARN. You can get around campus a whole lot faster and don't have to worry about parking. You can sleep in later and still make it to class. It's not that hard, just a little scary. Get on the bike.

  5. roller blade, walk

  6. walk

  7. Segway.

  8. yes, mustard is good on a sandwich.

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