
If i dont make weight by my ship date for the navy do i get discharged from the military forever.

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i ship out for the navy in 3 weeks and i think my BMI went up since i enlisted, if i dont make tape do they kick me out forever or push back my ship date or what?

also what can i do to loose a substancial amount of weight before i get there?




  1. If they've already accepted you it doesn't really matter how you show up.  You will lose weight in training.  If you are of a mindset to just not show up, you need to seriously consider what you are doing in the first place.

  2. Whats your height and weight?

  3. As long as your able to run 1.5 miles in 12min and 30sec do 55situps and 55pushups, you should be fine, besides your going to bootcamp, they wont kick you out that easy.

  4. You won't go to Basic and it will take forever to get another ship date. I think it is a good idea to slim up BEFORE basic. The Navy makes sure you can pass the PT test before you ship. Get serious about your weight and fitness now. Recruit training will be h**l if you can't cut it because you are overweight and out of shape.

  5. Hi, look, there are good diets and exercise at I'm KJC88 there, also I think we have others who ship out in 3 weeks.

    You need to tape at the body fat percentage max limit at MEPS when you ship out, or else you will be held back, depending on you rating it can change when you ship out and it can be up until another year seeing your contract will probably have to be renewed and also you can lose the rating which you chose seeing if the schools for it are available or not, etc.

    Go to the website, we can help with information on exercise, what's to come at boot camp, etc. Good luck!

  6. Not sure which navy you're talking about (i.e. which country?) but as for the losing weight bit, that's easy.  Or at least it is easy to know how to do it!

    Run.  Run like you have never run before.  If you're not used to running, don't let that put you off.  Run for forty minutes four times a week. Everyone can do that.  All you have to do is find the pace you can do it at, no matter how slow it seems.   And when you get home, reward yourself with a nice big salad and a lovely cool pint of ..... water.  

  7. As you know, as you have been briefed, as your recruiter has told you, when you show up to MEPS to ship, you will have to be within Height/Weight standards.  IF you do not make ht/wt or bodyfat you will not be able to ship to basic training.  Your disposition will be based on a number of factors, everything from what school you have, what the next available date is for you to ship and keep your school, how long you have been in dep, etc.  No you will not be discharged forever...if you are dep discharged, once you are within ht/wt/bmi, you can reenlist, and If I were your recruiter, you would be going up, and shipping to basic training that day!

    Good Luck

  8. No.  All that happens is you don't ship that day.  Your recruiter will probably yell at you.  

    If you just want to lose weight, you can lose about 15 pounds of water in 2 days.  It's not healthy, but it's possible.

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