
If i drank 6 1 litre cokes a day for 4 months what do you think would happen?

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If i drank 6 1 litre cokes a day for 4 months what do you think would happen?




  1. You would become very very un healthy!!!! You would also have to pee a lot!! LOL  yeah dnt do dat itz very unhealthy

  2. You would burn the lining in your stomach...throat. And have stomach problems for years to come. Not counting if you require surgery to fix it.

  3. two words

    kidney stone

  4. There is 22 teaspoons of sugar in 1 can of coke so

    reckon you would put on about 3 - 4 stone, teeth might decay apparently a nail will dissolve in pure coke in 3 days - it eats away at tooth enamel. Plus all the sugar and change of diet might give you a good chance of turning diabetic or risk heart disease.

    Best stick to water!!!

  5. you'll explode, bang!

  6. you would have bad teeth skin and have lots of gas belly would be bloated to don't

  7. Gain lots of weight and damage your liver, kidneys and have a higher chance of developing hypoglycemia and diabetes. These are the obvious problems. I'm sure you'll have other underlying problems if you drink that much coke. I recommend that you don't.

  8. Everyone would start calling you piggy.You will gain much weight , due to the sugar intake from the soda.You also have to worry about your teeth,from the sugar..

  9. Dont do it!  I used to drink a lot of coke not quite 6 litres a day probably 1.5 ish.  I have now got horrible gastro problems, incl indigestion, heartburn, nausea to name a few - on a daily basis - its ruined my life - literally - I am never 'well'.  I dont even look at the stuff now - or any other fizzy drinks.

  10. Do the words heartburn and muffin tops mean anything to you?

  11. you would get gal stones. the only way to get them out is to pee them out, and it hurts worse than having a baby. Really it does people that have had children say that they hurt worse that giving please dont do this to urslef!

  12. try it and see


  13. what would happen if you drank 10 cokes and then poped 10 mentos

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