
If i dyed my hair 3 days ago can i go swimming?

by  |  earlier

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or will my hair turn colors or fade color.

my friend said my hair will turn green.

will the pool chemicals mix with the dye?




  1. Nope it wouldn't affect your hair..

  2. after three days no ; it'll be fine.

    i went swimming like ; three HOURS after i did.

    and nothing happened ; so your good :)

  3. yes its fine if you want proof get a bukcet of water then put your hair in the bucket for a while see what happens

  4. you can go swimming

    but the chlorine in the pool can fade it so where a cap or sumthing so it doesnt fade

  5. It will not turn green, but it will defiantly fade the color. I wouldn't go swimming not unless I am on a float! Not unless you want to wear a cap=)

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