
If i eat 2,200 calories a day...?

by  |  earlier

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ok heres the deal:

i am an anorexic in recovery. my nutritionist has me eating about 2,200 calories a day. Will my metabolism eventually rise to meet this once i have reached a healthy weight, or will i gain weight forever or just at first?




  1. Well you'll gain weight when you start and you might still gain weight when your normal depending on your metabolism because everyone has different metabolisms. But you should down it 1800, thats normal. I was anerexic two years ago and they had me at 2800 cause it was hard for me to gain weight and now I don't really count but I'm at around 1400 if I were to guess. But I'm a little bit less than I'm suppose to be, its just that my doctors don't really care because they know I'm fine now mentally. I know how hard it is so I wish you all my luck! =)

  2. You will gain weight. Not forever.

  3. when your metabolism rise, your weight will maintain, first u'll gain a little bit of weight, after that u wouldn't gain any more.

  4. You really need every one of those calories and after you reach a healthy weight, you will probably need to stay that high.  If you drop below that, your body will get very "confused" and there can be long term health consequences, weight related and otherwise.

    Refeeding is the most dangerous time for an anorexic.  Please be careful, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, and do what your nutritionist says.

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