
If i enter a strip club under age and say the cops come to check will i get in trouble or the club ?

by  |  earlier

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im thinking of goin cause my frend works there as the DJ




  1. Well, it might vary depending upon locale. Floridian cops will no doubt generally treat this differently than Bay Area police officers. That said, I wouldn't expect too much to happen if you're a minor. Your parents will surely be notified, and you may get a court date and free night in jail. No felony or anything of that sort, though unless they find your fake ID. That said, I can't think how they'd find out. It's not like they go around IDing every customer.

    If you're caught at the till, the bouncer will usually just yell at you or otherwise show his or her frustration, and then forcibly remove you from their premises. Oh, and don't get the bright idea of trying to buy alcohol there. Just don't.

  2. Both. Just don't go there.

  3. yeah, you would get in trouble, but so would the club for letting you in....if you have a fake id, it will do either

    A. fool the cops, fool the club and youll be fine...

    B. fool the club, the cop will figure it out and youll get in big trouble and the club would be fined

    if a cop did come in, just use the bathroom or leave right after they walk in, be stealthy

  4. you will both get into trouble most likely

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