
If i found my stolen ring at a pawn shop and buy it. when i leave can i press charges?

by  |  earlier

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If i found my stolen ring at a pawn shop and buy it. when i leave can i press charges?




  1. not aqainst the store just try to track it down

  2. not on the pawn shop. what you need to do is file a police report and tell the officer that you found the ring at a pawn shop. the pawnshop will be more then happy to work with the police. the pawnshop will have a recorded of who pawned it and they will release the the name of the person to the officer. if all your information such as when it was stolen match up to the information the pawnshop gives the officer the officer will confiscate the ring and return it to you. you wont have to pay for it that way. after that the pawnshop will go after the thief for restitution to pay back the loan. you can press charges on the thief to. you actually have to if you what the ring back.

    good luck i hope you find your ring!

  3. Every pawn shop is required by law to ask for identification from anyone pawning or selling an item to the pawn broker.  You should contact the police and explain that you found your ring in the pawn shop and purchased it immediately to keep it from being sold to someone else.  The police will follow-up and review the pawn shop's records in an attempt to see who sold or pawned the ring.  They will also check to see if the seller or pawner is a regular customer of the shop.  They will also check the pawn shop's records against other reported stolen items to see if there is a pattern indicating the shop's owner's knowledge or participation in fencing stolen property.

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