
If i get a female finch?

by Guest59185  |  earlier

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i am going to get a female finch for my boy so he can have a friend. will the girl lay eggs if there is no nesting box....????? and does it mader what kind of finch? (if i get another male they will fight)




  1. Even if there is no nesting box it is possible that the female will still lay eggs in other places around the cage, but if there is no place to nest than well, the boy aint gonna get any fun !!!

    It doesn't really matter the type of finch you get they generally will get along fine, and getting another male probably wont matter as they have nothing to fight over because there is no nesting box !!!

  2. if you get another male there might be some teritory issues and they might fight

    if you get a female she might lay eggs in the nesting box it depends if they mate

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