
If i get a second gerbil will my old one still like me?

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my mom says he will stop liking me but i dont think its true please reply




  1. hel still like u thats ur mum saying no he wont so that u dont get another 1

  2. as long as you still play with both of them and if you give them both the same amount of attention they will both love you

  3. that is not true. he will probably enjoy you more because he will have a gerbil friend to play with him and his human friend! fun!

  4. Nonsense.. your gerbil won't stop liking you just because you get another one.

  5. lol thats nonsense but you must keep them together only AFTER using the split cage method.

    its a cage and you put a wire barrier in the cage to divide the gerbils and swap them around so they get used to eachothers smell

    after 2 weeks  try introducing them and hopefuly they wont fight

    do more research on google if youw ant.

    good luck x

  6. yes your hamster wil like u the same as long as you dont treat it any different

  7. That's not true at all! Why would he stop liking you?

    I think maybe your mom just doesn't want you to get a second one. And if that's the case, you should listen to her because it is her house.. but your gerbil won't stop liking you.  

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