
If i get drunk like just once for the first time drinking, is that bad?.first time drinking?

by  |  earlier

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um in like 2 days, im thinking of starting drinking for the first time, and i wanted to get drunk for the first time.. and first time drinking, i wanted to know is that really bad..short or long term,, and i most likely wont get drunk for a long time after




  1. dont have tooooooooo much because youll make a fool of yourself and feel like complete **** the next day

    start by just drinking enough to get tipsy, then next time get a bit more drunk and keep going until you can handle it properly

  2. It's a temporary poisoning of your system.

    Yes when the room is spinning, and yes when you're puking, and yes when your head is killing you the next day - you decide getting drunk wasn't your best idea.

  3. there's nothing wrong with drinking once in a while..

  4. . It could kill you, if you drink to much.

  5. You will make an *** of yourself.

  6. If your plan is to get drunk, you're not talking about drinking, you're talking about making yourself sick on purpose.  When you eat, do you stuff your face until you barf?  

    Intelligent people don't drink to get drunk, they control their drinking to get a slight buzz, then they stop or slow down to prevent getting drunk.  It sounds like you're socializing with the wrong people.

    And driving with a slight buzz IS drunk driving, so don't do it.

  7. have fun and be careful!!pace yourself and expect to feel bad the next day,hope you dont have to work or anything like that!!

    don,t puke to much and remember"beer before liquir will make you sicker" trust me!!!!


  8. If you have to ask you are too immature to drink.

  9. oh geez. you're clearly underage but im not one to talk. im underage and i drink like a fish. how about for your first time drinking, you take it slow, and dont make a fool of yourself. if youre a beer drinker try to limit to like 2 or 3 an hour. same for shots. but dont drink because everyone else is, or if they pressure you to. getting drunk is very fun if youre with the right peole, but not if you get out of line. and drink water before you go to bed to avoid a hangover. have fun and be safe kid

  10. If you never drank before, then you're definitely getting drunk! It is bad because you are going to wake up with a major hang over. It also depends on what you drink, some alcohol is stronger than other. Like certain beers like (coronas, Heineken, bud-light, etc) won't get you as drunk as hennesy, Remy,  or crystal! But i were you just know your limits and start off by drinking something light like Smirnoff (the bottled sweet ones) or Aleze.

  11. If you have never drank before chances are you will get drunk pretty fast so don't over do it. Not to mention, hangovers. Those things are the worst. Just be safe and take it easy. Pace yourself don't just chug. Oh, and do not drink and drive....

  12. If you want to know what it's like getting drunk first hand, then get drunk, if you're not gonna drink for a while after that then yeah, it's fine eathier way, just have fun while drunk.

  13. Getting drunk will happen the first time, and every time, if u drink enuff. I really hope ur old enuff to. But, be prepared to puke ur guts out the next morning and feel like c**p the whole next day. Keep aspirin and lots of water on hand.

  14. Well, I personally think everyone needs to get drunk, at the very least to know when to stop if they continue to drink.  

    The trouble with getting drunk your first time drinking is a general ignorance of the amount you drank, and the amount you ought to drink.

    I'd say you should head on over to and input your weight and height (careful, metric system; conversion from inches and pounds to cm and kg at the bottom of the page), and then add in a 5% drink at 355mL.  Set up a time frame of 2 hours.  See how many it says you should have to reach about a 0.15 BAC.  That's a safe drunk.  You shouldn't puke, and you shouldn't get the spins.  But you will definetly be drunk.  

    I would suggest you NOT do shots or drink any liquor.  Once you're buzzed, you'll have a tendency to do what everyone does, pour yourself a bigger 2nd drink.  The trouble is that liquor takes time to hit you.  It may not be until an hour later that you notice you're drunk, but you've drank 3 or 4 drinks each having more and more liquor.  Before you know it, you're puking everywhere and that's just no fun.  You don't even get to know what being drunk is, you went from sorta sober to blackout hammered in a few minutes.  (I've done this, it was not fun, and I was puking the night after too).

    So, you should stick to a light flavored beer (Killians is a good choice, it has a flavor, isn't skunked smelling, but is still light compared to most beers; corona, bud, coors, etc, are all garbage, just avoid them and you'll be happy).  Killian's is 5%, and 355mL = 12oz, that's why I had you put that in before.  So each drink corresponds to a Killians.  

    Now all that's left is to acquire the beer, and start drinking.  Beer is a really great way to begin a career of drinking.  Wine will be harsh, you can feel the alcohol like you can with liquor.  You can't taste the alcohol in a beer (well, most beers).  You won't get drunk too fast, so you should be able to enjoy your buzz and move into being drunk without much trouble.  You also have the advantage of being able to stop if you feel drunk enough, whereas with liquor you'll keep on getting drunk as you wait for the last bit to hit you.  

    Just remember that nobody cares how much you drink, so don't feel pressured into getting drunk all the time.  It's fine to just have a couple drinks and stop.  Don't get drunk everytime you drink, as that's a good way to get addicted.  There are no real short term (as in a few days) effects that linger from doing this.  You may have a rough morning, but if you drink only beer, since it's 95% water and a hangover is mostly dehydration, you shouldn't have much of a hangover.  With liquor you can get a pretty brutal hangover if you don't drink a couple glasses of water before going to bed.  Red wine also gives bad hangovers if you drink a lot of cheap red wine.  It's OK to get drunk every once in a while, it's only trouble when it's a regular basis.  It doesn't sound like you want to do that, so just follow the advice and you should all set.  Have fun.

  15. I suppose  a second time  drinker is  worse

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