
If i get made redundant from work, can i claim job seekers??

by  |  earlier

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I will be getting around £4000 redundancy pay.




  1. Yes

  2. You will be able to receive Jobseekers allowance providing you have the appropriate amount of National insurance paid in the qualifying year  (that is the tax year that ended in the April of the year before the calendar year in which you claim  -  In other words the 2006-2007 tax year). Also providing your employer has not paid you up to a specific date in which case you will only be able to sign on / claim from that date.

    Sign on as soon as you can, even if you didn't get any payment you need to be signed on to get a National Insurance credit for each week that you are unemployed otherwise your NI record will be deficient.

    IIRC the first £30000 of redundancy payment is tax-free so you will be OK if getting £4000

  3. Yeah

  4. yes you can.

  5. Yes you can  

  6. Claim non means tested (i.e. contributory) job seekers allowance. Even if it is a neglible amount, you will still get your NI credit on your contributions record. You can claim this if you have worked at least 2 years paying NI and are actively going to be seeking employment.

    After 6 months you would be on means tested (i.e. non-contributory) job seekers allowance. They may ask for proof of job hunting at any time after initial claim so be prepared with detailed records of jobs applied for, interviews attended, letters sent out, phones calls made etc.

    Child benefit should not be means tested - you should claim it regardless! You probably earn too much between you to be eligible for tax credits between you but it is worth using a calculator. (See below.) This will tell you how much roughly you should expect to get if claims are all successful.

    See your local CAB for up to info and advice as benefit regulations change frequently. Warning: be prepared to wait a while especially first thing Monday morning. Good luck.

  7. you have to wait 6 weeks.

  8. You can but its a means tested benefit, so if your seen to be able to support yourself using the £4000 they may not pay you until your unable to meet your financial requirements. And JSA has stimulations attatched, fortnightly interviews with an advisor. You have to keep a log on interviews and jobs you apply to. I'd consider using the £4000 to support you till you find another job, JSA is not a lot and won't by far cover normal day to day items.

  9. I think if you have more then £3000 in savings then you can't claim, but I might be wrong.

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