
If i get maternity pay and tax credits when i have my baby will i get housing and council tax benefit

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Before i went back to work after my first child I received income support and child tax credits,and housing benefit and council tax benefit. When i went back to work my housing and council tax benefit stopped and i have to pay full. My baby is due in november and i want to know if i get maternity pay and child and working tax credits will i get housing and council tax benefit?




  1. Hello,

    For help  with your question you may wish to try the Citizens Advice Guide at

  2. i'm sure you will. thats my sole purpose in life, to go to work and pay taxes so you dont have to miss out on benefits.

  3. It all depends on if you have a partner and thier income,also your savings will be taken into account as you probubly know as you have been through the nightmare of claiming before, we have two children but because of my income we only get child tax credit and a small amoeunt of housing benefit. For more info go to.   the website has a calculation system where you put all your details financial & family and tells you which benefit you are entitled to and how much,that is how we found out we were entitled to housing benefit(part of cost ). Good luck the authority wont tell you, you have to ask and do your own research. Paul.  

  4. Ask the council

  5. Highly unlikely as mat pay is over the deemed amount the government sees fit for you to live on and as you get tax credits too, this will push you over the threshold for HB and CT benefit.

  6. I certainly hope not.

    As I tax payer I am already paying for your first child, I don't want to pay for any more.

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